Monday, February 24, 2014

Mid month update!

Well maybe not mid month.. Let's just say I tried to get a post done mid month.

Due to some sick babies and a little bit of a crazy life. We didn't actually get to start our DDP yoga routine on 2/6 like we planned. We started on 2/17. With that being said, I have managed to stay more physically active so far this month, than I have since high school.

The nutrition side of things has been going great. I'm really starting to feel great. I did have my first bad food episode. I was traveling for work, and my coworkers decided to go get BBQ. I went along with it and ate way more than I should have. The positive news, the next morning I woke up ready to go. I didn't get derailed, I just took a one meal detour. I have also still not had a soda!!

I'm not sure how much I have lost so far this month. I know I'm still shedding inches at a pretty alarming rate. At this point none of my pants that I have bought in the last 6 months fit me. I have had to add two new holes to my belts.

I feel so great, but I'm trying to keep it in perspective. I know I'm still in the first battle of a very long war. The Yoga sessions are going great. Amy is keeping me accountable to do them. It's a huge help to have her pushing me, and pushing herself to do this. I'm beginning to get a lot of my strength back in my body. I'm able to do things I could not do a month ago. A few nights ago I spent 40 minutes playing, and wrestling on the floor with our oldest two. When it was over, I wasn't tired, or in pain.

I still haven't decided if I will ever share this blog with anyone other than my wife. If you are reading this, it means I have. It's a tough pill to swallow knowing that I put myself in a situation like this. The good news is things are looking up. What used to be a mountain, is shrinking every day. Some day I will be walking on flat ground again. Until then, I'll keep putting in work.

Hopefully I will get an end of month update on here close to the first.

Until next time,

Big Matt

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