Thursday, February 26, 2015

One Year With DDP Yoga, A new lease on life, and a new outlook on living.

One Year. 365 days (okay.. I'm 10 days late or so getting this posted, you get the point).

Feb. 17th 2014 was the first day that I got up, got on the mat, and took control of my life.

I believe without that day, I may not be here today.

At the beginning of 2014 I was 400 pounds. I was negative, miserable, sad, and extremely broken.
I thought life had dealt me a shit hand. I was convinced that the world had done me wrong. I wasn't supposed to be 400 pounds, or stuck in mediocrity in my life. I was so lost I didn't even realize just how amazing my lot in life was.

I never really thought any of this was possible. I never imagined I could get back in shape, that I could get healthy. I honestly didn't think I could mend the relationships I had strained because of my negativity, and my anger. Most important of those being my marriage.

I was lost. By the grace of God, and the love and encouragement of some amazing people, I am found.

I have been trying to find a way to explain to you all how I feel for the last week. It's been tough, I have gone thru every emotion imaginable. This journey is about so much more than the numbers. It's about a wife who finally has the husband she deserves. It's about children having a father that they adore. It's about hearing my dad tell me he is proud of me. It's about being proud of myself. It's about having a second chance to live the life I always knew I should have.

There has been very little that has been easy over the last 12-13 months. I have battled demons I never thought I could beat. Food addiction is a very serious, and very horrible thing. You have to eat. Every day you are faced with making the decision to eat well. I still deal with it daily. I will always fight that battle. It has certainly become easier, but I still fail sometimes.

My internal fight with anger and negativity has been equally hard. Early on last year, I talked openly about how I didn't know who I was anymore. I wasn't myself. I was Big Matt. WAS. I'm not anymore. I never will be again.

Along with the 140lbs and almost 100 inches, the pain and anger went away too. It was replaced with hope and positivity. It was replaced with a belief that I could be better, that I could get back to being me. That I was worth being happy.

The greatest gift I have ever received, was so many of you telling me that YOU believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. I  never thought I would be successful on this journey, certainly not to the extent that I have been.

I'm unable to fully explain in words, the changes my life has seen in the last year. I'd like to list a few of the highlight to me.

I have lost 140lbs, and almost 100 inches from my body. Unless you have been there, you can't imagine the feeling and sense of freedom that provides.
I have a life of love, and a life with hope again.
I have been promoted TWICE at work in the last year. This is a direct result of the changes I have made. It's amazing how much being positive, and happy can change your life.
I'm able to play with my babies again. My relationship with each of them has improved significantly, and thankfully early enough that they won't ever remember Big Matt.

I would like to take a moment to thank a few people who were incredibly important to my success this past year.

My amazing wife, I have said so many times that this never would have been possible without your love and support. You cheered me on every step of the way. Even when you didn't always want to eat well, or you didn't want to do another workout, you still did. You have been my biggest fan. I also want to thank you for standing by my side when I wasn't the husband you deserved. For refusing to give up on me, when EVERYONE thought you should. You were put here to save me, and I will forever be thankful for your love and support.

I initially looked in to DDP Yoga because I was a fan of you as a wrestler. I had no idea then, that you are an even more amazing human being , than you were a wrestler. The very first time I messaged you, you let me know you believed in me. You constantly encouraged me along this journey. You taught me the power of being positive, and that I can face anything. You saved my life, and since I know you will deflect that, let's say you showed me the way to save my own life. Thank you for everything you have done, and continue to do with DDP Yoga. You are a blessing to this earth, and we are all better because you are here.

My family.
 I'm so thankful for each and every one of you. For a seriously long time, I don't think I said that enough. You all have no idea how much it meant to me to hear your kind words. It was so encouraging to see you all excited for me. It was awesome seeing one of you after a week or two, and you immediately asking me how it was going, and telling me how great I look. You all supported Amy and I tremendously this last year. From making sure we have a healthy option at family meals, to always encouraging us with your words. Thank you all.

To my DDP Yoga family.
 Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. A special thanks goes out to Matt Owen and Ross Raymond. You guys have been so amazing. These two guys have taken the time over the last year to check up on me anytime they haven't heard from me in a bit. They have helped keep me accountable, and get me over hurdles and humps along the way. You guys have no idea how important you have been on this journey. Your friendship means so much. Thank you.

To the FUTURE!

Amy and I decided that we were going to take a break for the holidays. I figured 140 in less than 11 months was a pretty good start on this journey. It was much needed. We didn't completely go back to our old habits, but we certainly enjoyed time with family and good food.
 When the new year came, Amy jumped right back on and started kicking ass. I was struggling to do so. I couldn't figure out why I was having such a hard time getting going again. I had done really well over the course of our "break". I gained 4-5 pounds back, but I really was happy that I could maintain now that I was down where I initially wanted to be.

That is when I realized I didn't have a goal anymore. I had hit my ultimate end goal already. I was comfortable. I hadn't seen the 250's since my early high school years. I'm truly happy.
I also knew I couldn't just stop, I couldn't just give in to that urge to relax. With that being said, I have made some new goals. I have decided that the 250's will not be the end of this journey. I started back in on the 1st of Feb. and am happy to report that things are going extremely well.

I hope that you will all share this blog. That it will reach to the farthest parts of this earth. So that maybe it will reach another person who needs to hear this message. I have been blessed to be an inspiration to ridiculous amount of people. Every time someone asks me about my journey, and I'm able to share my story, I always get a little giddy.

If you are reading this and you are needing to change your life, please know that I BELIEVE IN YOU. It doesn't matter what your demon is, or what battles you have to face, you can do it.
If your battle happens to be weight, I beg you to go to Go check out what it has done for so many people, it just may be the key to your journey as well.

My heart is overflowing with love for you all. Thank you for being a part of my life changing journey. Year one is only the beginning. On to bigger and better things from here.

Until next time.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

180 Day DDP Yoga Update!

180 days.
6 months.

In the grand scale of life, 6 months is such a small amount of time. In the scale of my life, there has never been a more important 6 months that I have been through.

When I started this journey, I set a goal of losing 100lbs in a year. Here we are after 180 days, and I am down 129lbs. It feels like a dream. I don't know when I actually started believing that I could do this. Somewhere along the way, with the help and encouragement of all of you, I started to believe in myself.

If you believe you can do something, you are half way there.

I can't praise what DDP Yoga has done for me enough. It gave me a life line when I thought there was no hope. At 400 lbs when I started this journey, there was no other fitness program I could safely do. I could barely make it through the intro video when I started this.  There have been so many DDPY milestones along the way. Every time I conquer a move that I previously haven't been able to do, it makes that fire to succeed burn a little hotter.

For those DDP Yoga members out there reading this, last week I was able to grab my feet in human cannonball for the first time. THAT was HUGE.

I'm blessed beyond belief to have my life back. I just want you all to know that it has not been easy, no goal worth reaching is ever easy. I have heard a lot lately that it's "easier" for men to lose weight. I want to squash that myth right now. Men may be able to lose weight faster, but I can assure you there has been nothing easy about the last 6 months. Every day has been a constant struggle, a battle within myself. A battle to make the right choice at every meal. A battle to get my ass up, get on the mat, and put in the work. Thankfully I have had plenty of people willing to keep me accountable. A big thanks goes out to my DDPY family, and my amazing wife Amy.

That does not mean that this journey is over. I still have goals to hit, and a lifetime of keeping on track ahead of me. The difference now is that I have the tools to do it, forever. That is an amazing feeling to have.

If you are thinking about starting your journey, stop thinking, DO IT.  You can do it. I believe in you. Seriously. YOU CAN DO THIS.

Here are the stats for 180 days
Weight  268lbs!!!                     129lbs down!
Inches Lost                              76inches  !!!

I put together a little video of all my monthly pictures for the last 6 months. It's a pretty incredible transition. I hope you all enjoy it.


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog! Please share!
The blog is up over 5200 individual page views, that means we are reaching and potentially inspiring a lot of people!! Let's keep it going!

Until Next time


Monday, August 4, 2014


Hey all!

Here with an update on my DDPYoga journey!
We are around 160 days in to our little trip to freedom here. Things are still going fantastic.

I'm beginning to branch out and try some of the more difficult DDPYoga workouts. It has been interesting so far. I have went away from the schedule I followed for the first 5 months, and moved to a four day a week workout system. It gives me a little more flexibility around an already packed work and family schedule.

The weight and inches continue to fall off. On top of that, my body is starting to show some serious muscle definition again. I'm still often surprised when I look in the mirror and see myself. It's really been a beautiful ride to this point.

My nutrition took a small dive for about 2-4 days, over a very busy weekend. We got back on track yesterday, and are looking to keep rolling on with it. I have found that occasionally my mind just needs bad food. I don't like doing it, and my body is quick to let me know it doesn't like it either. A few bad decisions and a busy weekend behind us, we look forward to the future again!

I'm honestly amazed at the number of people, that we know personally, who have ordered DDP Yoga. It's so awesome every time we get contacted by family, friends, or complete strangers about it. YES it works! YES you can have the same results. Just remember, DDPY is only HALF of the equation. You must, MUST be willing to change your nutrition as well.

I truly hope that those of you who were turned on to DDPYoga, achieve the results you are looking for! Maybe someday Amy and I will be able to post a blog sharing the success of folks we have inspired. That would truly make me a very happy person. I want to scream DDPYOGA from rooftops everywhere. It's a beautiful thing!

We are rapidly approaching a big update. 180 days of DDPY. Six months. I have already passed my original one year goal, and we are just about to reach the end of six months. Unbelievable. Truly.

I'm working on a special video for my 180 day update, as well as a videoblog that will hopefully be up this week. Amy will also be stopping by with a blog post of her own. She is still working on her mega nutrition blog(with recipes)!!!

I'm also now available on twitter!

Follow me at


For those of you who may not follow me on facebook!
Here is a pic of me in my newest clothes. When I started this journey, I was wearing a size 4x shirt, and 56 waist pants. I recently was able to go into a normal clothing store(for the first time in ten years), and buy these items off the shelf. 
2x shirt
42 waist pants

Until next time,  OWN YOUR LIFE.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Amy steals the show!

Hey everyone! I decided to steal Matt's blog for a few!  As Matt and I have had more and more success with our weight loss, we have had many people ask us about the way we've been eating. Since I have been the one basically in charge of the learning, buying, preparing, and cooking the food... I wanted to write something up to let everyone know what all I have learned. It has been an amazing journey, and I HOPE you all can take something, ANYTHING, away from this! I have been terrified of putting my story out there in the public, but if my story can inspire one person, then it will be worth it!

Hello, my name is Amy, and I am an over-eater. I have been my entire life. I remember times when I was 9-10 years old and my parents would take us to Golden Corral after church. I remember eating so much that when we would get home I would need to vomit. When a 9 year old girl has to unbutton her pants because it's hurting her overly full stomach... That's a problem. As every person who has struggled with weight, I have tried pretty much everything out there to lose the weight. The most luck I had had previously was on Atkins. I dropped over 50 pounds in about 5 months. The issue was, I was MISERABLE. I wanted bread so badly that I would actually put bread in my mouth, press it between the roof of my mouth and my tongue and then spit it out... True story. And because I was so miserable, as soon as I quit Atkins, I began eating like a horse and gained the weight back within 7 months. A diet that excludes a certain group of foods altogether will always leave you wanting it more. I also had a bit of luck counting calories. I began buying everything I could labeled "100 calorie pack".  I downloaded several apps, and would not allow myself to eat over 1200 calories a day. That combined with going to the gym 5-6 days a week, and I lost over 50 pounds again in about 7 months. The problem was that I never really felt that great. Sure losing the weight was awesome, and dropping that kind of poundage off of your body will absolutely help you to feel better, but I never felt like I had more energy really. Or like I ever fully was in charge of my eating. Sure I wasn't over-eating anymore, but I definitely was not putting the kinds of foods in my body that it needed to maintain the types of workouts I had begun to do. I got pregnant, and once the "100 calorie packs" were off of my grocery list, I began adding weight back quickly. Because I hadn't LEARNED how to EAT HEALTHY. .

DDP Yoga is FANTASTIC. It is PHENOMENAL. I could not sing the praises of the exercises enough. The flexibility is ASTOUNDING. The amount of cardio is INSANE. However, as a wife, as a mother, and as a woman who has been overweight nearly her entire life... I can honestly say that the things I have learned from DDP Yoga regarding nutrition, have absolutely been life changing.

We began with a simple challenge. No fast food and no soda for the month of January. Now that... was tough. The soda wasn't as much of a challenge for me as giving up fast food was. I am a mom of 3! Fast food was my life saver! After a long day there was nothing better than giving my babies a Happy Meal and watching them smile! Not to mention that there would be no dishes left to clean up! It was a challenge, for sure. However, I made the decision to feed myself and the kids before we left anywhere so that I wouldn't be tempted to give into the fast food monster! As the fast food addiction began to fade we decided to add something new to our nutrition. We added a fresh veggie to EVERY MEAL. Once we had accomplished that regularly we began switching our ground beef meals into ground turkey meals... We then traded all white flour products to whole grain... We cut out almost all white sugar... We began grilling our food 4-6 days a week (Matt looks good standing in front of a grill doing the cooking for me, jus' sayin!) Every time we had successfully made a positive change, we added a new one! One of the reasons I believe we have been so successful sticking with these changes is because we never went "cold turkey". We didn't just walk in our kitchen one day and throw out everything we shouldn't be eating. We never shocked our systems. We gradually weaned our bodies off of the junk, and it in turn showed us how much it had been needing the fresh things!! It is absolutely incredible just how good you will feel when you stop putting junk in your body.

I continue to learn new things about nutrition daily. Our new adventure is learning about the world of GMO'S and organics. An incredibly awesome thing happened a few weeks ago. Matt and I both received a phone call from none other than the man himself, DDP!! My conversation with him revolved mostly around nutrition. He emailed me a video I would really encourage you guys to watch.(watch it here It is the story of what GMO'S are, and what they are doing to us. When we began this journey, I thought the GMO thing was just a gimmick or a fad... It's not. Please watch the video, do some research, and come to your own conclusions! Educating yourself about something new is NEVER a bad thing! However, once again we are doing this gradually. Every grocery shopping trip I make I switch out something I normally buy, for the organic version! Some people say that buying fresh produce and/or organic foods is more expensive. Truthfully, some of it is. However, you will realize that when you combine that with NOT buying the chips, soda, cookies, boxed food, and junk... It actually levels out!! Your body will thank you. I PROMISE!

Now this part I believe is the MOST important part of our journey, hands down. All of the nutritional changes we have made for ourselves, we have also made for our children. My ultimate goal in all of this is to make sure that none of my children will ever sit in the back seat of a car at 9 years old, with their pants unbuttoned, trying not to vomit up their dinner. I want my children to never have to teach themselves to be healthy. I want healthy eating to just be... Eating.  When they are in charge of their own diets as teenagers and adults, I want the junk to just be something they choose to eat on rare occasions.  Ella has always been above the 100% at her check ups on height and in the 90-95% on weight. She has always been a big girl. She will most likely always be a big girl. My JOB is to make sure that she is never the "fat girl". Anyone who has ever been the "fat girl", knows what I mean. It is my job to help make sure that a group of boys never chases her around the playground chanting " 1-800-94 Jenny, you're so fat you need to be skinny!"......... It's funny how some things you just never forget...  I know I cannot stop my children from ever being bullied. BUT I can at least make sure that being overweight isn't the thing the bullies go for. In December at Ella's 4 year old check up, her DR informed me that she had surpassed a normal BMI and wanted to see her back in 6 months for a weight check. At first I dreaded it... Then our last 6 months followed and at her check up she was completely back to a normal BMI!! Just from eating clean and adding exercise to our families routine!! THIS is my job. THIS is my goal. I will NOT fail them.

I began this journey at 245 pounds.
I currently weigh 188 pounds! And I ain't stopping there! ;)

Matt has said it, and I will say it. I have learned to OWN MY LIFE. My children will learn to OWN THEIR LIVES. Please, PLEASE begin learning how to OWN YOUR LIFE! If I can do this... If we can do this... You can too!! Please go check out You won't regret it!! 
Before                                                                        Now

Before                                                                  Now

Monday, July 14, 2014

150 Day. DDP Yoga update!

Hello Everyone!

Sorry for the delay in getting my 150 day DDP Yoga update out to everyone. It was a great weekend filled with family and fun.

It has now been 150 days since I started doing DDP Yoga. The results to this point have been beyond amazing. I'm still amazed at what I have accomplished in such a relatively short amount of time.
I never could have made this happen without the support of each and everyone of you.

To all the people who make it a point to tell me how happy they are for me. Those that tell me they are proud of me. Even those of you who admit the truth, and tell me how truly worried you were about me before. Most importantly, those of you who look past the weight, look past the new look, and see that there is also a new Matt in there.

One of my happiest moments so far was when the first person told me I looked happier, and that they could see I had more energy. That same person told me it seemed like I was so full of life.
This journey has been about SO MUCH more than losing weight. In the end, whenever that may be, I truly hope that people see the TOTAL transformation that took place in my life.

Life is pretty amazing to me right now. For the first time in my adult life, there is nothing that I can't physically do. My to do list has grown so large that I don't even know where to start. What I do know, is that I'll never go back to being that person again. Not physically, and certainly not mentally.
I realized this weekend that being unhealthy and unhappy had such a huge effect on my relationships with people. It made me a miserable person to be around. Before I reached that point, people enjoyed my company. This journey, this transition to being just Matt again has brought that back, and that alone is worth every bit of the work I have been putting in.

I have two special blog post that will be coming up over the next week or so. My amazing wife Amy is working on a guest blog post about nutrition, including some awesome recipes we have been using. I will also be posting up my first video blog in a bit. It will be a look back at the last 5 months of the journey.

Stats for the last 30 days.

6-15 weight 299
150 day weight 284
Another 13 lbs down! 

6-15 inches total 60.5
150 day inches total 66!
almost 6 more inches.

I'll be honest, the last 30 days has been a little tough. We have had events to attend and of course they all had great food. I was able to stop from overeating, which is amazing, but i certainly had one of my bigger food periods over the last few weeks. Time to clamp it back down on the weekends and shoot for 280 and below!

Keep on the lookout for the two special editions of bigmattgoesbyebye that will be coming out this week!

Pic time! Start and 150 day pic comparison below! Including a bonus pic this time around. The pic in the grey shirt was taken Christmas eve. 2010. It wasn't even me at my biggest. So i took a pic today with that old shirt on to see the difference.

-Until next time

Just Matt

Friday, June 27, 2014

The century mark!

Dear Life,

I own you. Period. There will never come a time when I don't again.


Now that I got that out of the way, on to the fun stuff.


As of June 20th I am officially down 100lbs. That is A LOT. Just in case you didn't realize that.
Seriously.. 100lbs. Gone. That is more than the combined weight of all three of my children. I have no idea how I ever carried that around daily, but I can tell you how I lost it.

SHhhh.. wait for it. Here is the big secret.

First.... I started eating to live, instead of living to eat.
Second.... I got off my ASS and did something about it.

It's called OWNING YOUR LIFE, and you can do it too!!!

When I started down this path, my initial goal was to lose 100lbs in a year. Just 2lbs average per week, for the whole year. By the grace of the good Lord above, the help of an amazing woman(Amy), and the guidance of one awesome guy (DDP), I learned how to take control back. To fight the addiction that was killing me. Less than six months after I started, and 124 days after I started DDPYoga, I hit my goal that was expected to take a year.

It seems like it was forever ago, a whole other lifetime. I sat at the kitchen table with my wife, a very broken and scared man. Today I come before you as a new man.
Although this journey has been a lot about physical health, I can't even begin to tell you how it has healed me mentally. I have had nearly as many people comment on how happy and energetic I am now, as I have about how I look.

The even better news! I'm not done yet! I still have more that I want to accomplish on this path. I want to see 250lbs. I was extremely comfortable around that weight earlier in life. It's possible I could take it lower, I plan on shooting for it and seeing how I look/feel when I get there. That is my long term goal now. I WILL get there. My short term goal is to get under 280.

I hope there are still people out there being inspired by my journey. That is the only reason I continue to share this with you all. Although my daily battle with food addiction has become easier, I know it will never end. With that said, I no longer have a fear of a full relapse. It is a great feeling and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

If you are struggling with an addiction, poor health, or just plain laziness, get a hold of me. I'd love to chat with you and see if I can help you find the way to own your life. There is so much world to explore and so much life for us each to live.

Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to read my ramblings. I truly hope there are those of you out there who have gained some inspiration from this.

Until Next Time

-Just Matt  :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

DDP Yoga 120 Day update!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!
Thanks for taking the time to look at my 120 day blog update since I started doing DDP Yoga!

It's been two weeks since you have heard from me. It has been a very busy, very fulfilling two weeks. From celebrating our five year wedding anniversary, to spending an awesome weekend at the lake this weekend with our family. I just haven't had time, but today I bring you a blog full of inspiration and awesomeness.

Friday June 6th, I received a phone call from a very important person. This phone call meant a ton to me. I sat for nearly an hour, in my office stunned after it was over. When I started doing DDP Yoga, I never thought I would be sitting on the phone speaking to DDP himself 100 days later, but there I was. It speaks volumes for the man that he took the time out of his day to call and talk to me. He also talked to Amy for almost an hour before he called me. Needless to say, it was a huge boost to my morale, and gave me the motivation to get thru two brutally tough weeks. Thanks DDP!

Three weeks ago, I decided to publicly challenge myself to get from 311 lbs to 300 or less in three weeks. I knew it would require a special amount of dedication to my nutrition, and my exercise if I was going to get there. After three weeks of hard work, the picture below explains where we are at.

I MADE IT!!!! I turned 31 years old this Saturday. For the first time since I was 21 years old, I can say I weigh under 300lbs.

It is such an unbelievable feeling. To know that I will never have to see a 3 at the beginning of my weight on the scale. I have said a million times that this journey is not about weight loss, it is about my overall health. BUT THIS FEELS SOOO GOOD!!!!!!

Thank you again to my amazing wife Amy! Without her the nutrition side of this journey would be a thousand times harder. She also helps keep me accountable to do my workouts, and always finds awesome ways to motivate me.

I would also like to thank all of the people who have continued to support me. Either thru facebook posts, comments on the blog, or in person. SO many of you have contributed to my motivation and in turn my results.

I'm a far way from being finished with this journey. I still have a tremendous amount of work left to do. Starting this week we will be moving on the the DDP Yoga intermediate workout schedule. So we will be amping it up again in the coming weeks.

I suggest anyone who is interested to take the chance and try out DDP Yoga. It has changed my life and DDP has taught me, and so many others, how to OWN OUR LIVES.

It's a beautiful thing!

Until next time,

- NotSoBigMatt.

 day 1                                                                                  day 120

day 1                                                                                       day 120